Living On Mission

Third Step of Our Discipleship Path
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
– Matthew 5:14 (NLT)
We seek to create opportunities to share the gospel with others and invite them to journey with us as we try to live our best life.
Each month, Kelloggsville Church champions one local ministry to engage with and support with time, talents, and resources. Each mission was carefully selected to provide varying experiences and opportunities for all ages to Love the World. Visit our Next Steps Center outside of our Worship Center to help you find the best way to use your talents and resources to get involved in loving the world and inviting more people to walk the discipleship path with Kelloggsville Church.

Pregnancy Resource Center
Pregnancy Recourse Center’s mission is to live the truth that people matter to God. They affirm God’s gift of human life by being the most trusted and respected source for information, education, and services that encourage, empower, restore and redeem through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mission Trip
In February, we will be raising funds for our intergenerational summer mission trip. This year, we are focused on supporting hurricane relief efforts in the wake of the most recent natural disaster.

Kids’ Food Basket
Kids’ Food Basket works to nourish children living at or near the poverty level with critical evening meals to level the playing field for their academic achievement. Equipping children and families with greater access to fresh, locally grown food can help us build a more vibrant, healthier West Michigan.

Love INC.
Love INC. is a partnership of churches. They link the churches of South Kent County together so the unified body can serve our neighbors in need. They amplify how the churches are serving in our community by connecting through relationships and mobilizing our shared resources.

Dynamic Youth Ministry
In May we are supporting our dynamic youth ministries.

Denominal Ministries
Christian Reformed congregations recognize that some of the ministries to which Christ calls us can be difficult to do on our own. By pooling our resources, we can do more and greater ministry together. Join us as we pledge resources to make these shared ministries possible.

Global Christian Network Institution
Global Christian Network Institute is a nonprofit organization that educates immigrants who are moving to or have resettled in the United States. It is also a consulting educational firm that develops strategy and materials for schools in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Global Missionaries
During the month of August we focus on our missionaries abroad. Your financial gifts given during this month will be distributed equally between the two missionary families (deVuyst’s/Shaarda’s)

The DOCK seeks to positively impact the character, faith, intellect, and ability of the students in our community by sharing Christ’s love.

ICCF is a nonprofit housing corporation whose leadership is motivated by, and programs shaped by, its belief that all people deserve safe, clean, affordable housing.

Streams is a nonprofit community center located on the southeast side of Grand Rapids. They exist to demonstrate the love of Jesus through programs and relationships that build a healthier neighborhood.

World Renew
Through World Renew we provide food, water, sanitation livestock, and education through their gift cateloug.