Adult Ministry
Welcome to Adult Ministry
Here at Kelloggsville, we have a variety of adult ministries to be involved in. Our adult ministries offer an opportunity to take the next step of diving into God’s Word, and growing with other believers. Let us know how you would like to be involved!

2nd and 4th Monday of the Month
Women Post High School and Older
Women 2 Women is a place to communicate personally, share faith stories, dig deeply into the Bible, and learn from each other.

1st and 3rd Mondays
Men Post High School and Older
Join for a time of Bible Study and fellowship. This fall the group will be working through a Ray Vander Laan series titled “Kingdoms in Conflict.”

Starts September 11
Older Women and Men
Just Older Youth is a meeting place for prayer and teachings from the bible. This fall the teachings will be on the unsung heroes of the Bible and their legacy.

1st and 3rd Thursday
Women Post High School and Older
This life group meets Thursday evenings throught the fall and winter. This year the group plans to study the book Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis-Higgs.
Get Involved Adult Ministry
Fill out the form below, and someone will be in contact with you to take the next step to be involved in an adult ministry.